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In accordance with Section 464 of the Local Government Act, no public hearing is permitted for applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan and are primarily residential.

Submit your comments in writing by 12:00 noon on Council Meeting Day to the City Clerk by Mail at 13450 – 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC, V3T 1V8, Online Webform at, Email at or Fax at (604) 501-7578. Read the Planning Report and Related Documents at City Hall Monday to Friday 8:30am-4:30pm except statutory holidays or online at

Notice is hereby given that the proposed rezoning bylaw “Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 176 (CD 176), Bylaw, 2024, No. 21136” will be read for the first time by the City of Surrey Council at the Council Meeting on January 29, 2024, for the purposes of potential adoption.

In accordance with Section 464 of the Local Government Act, no public hearing is permitted for applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan and are primarily residential.

Application: 7918-0138-00

Location: 18175 - 74 Avenue


Purpose of Bylaw: The applicant is requesting to rezone the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from General Agriculture Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to develop 74 townhouses on the subject site.


Notice is hereby given that the proposed rezoning bylaw “Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment Bylaw, 2024, No. 21138” will be read for the first time by the City of Surrey Council at the Council Meeting on January 29, 2024, for the purposes of potential adoption.

In accordance with Section 464 of the Local Government Act, no public hearing is permitted for applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan and are primarily residential.

Application: 7917-0116-00, 7917-0116-01

Location: 18638 – 74 Avenue


Purpose of Bylaw and Development Variance Permit: The applicant is requesting to rezone the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from One-Acre Residential Zone to Multiple Residential 30 Zone in order to permit the development of 79 townhouse units.

In addition, the proposal includes a Development Variance Permit to reduce the minimum north yard setback from 4.5 metres to 4.0 metres to the upper storey projections for buildings 1 and 2 and from 6.0 metres to 3.0 metres for buildings 10, 13 and 14; to reduce the minimum east yard setback from 6.0 metres to 5.5 metres to the principal building face and 5.0 metres to the upper storey projections for buildings 2 and 10; to reduce the minimum east yard setback from 6.0 metres to 4.5 metres to the principal building face and 4.0 metres to the upper storey projections for buildings 3, 4 and 11; to reduce the minimum south yard setback from 6.0 metres to 4.3 metres for building 4 and from 6.0 metres to 4.5 metres to the principal building face and 4.2 metres to the upper storey projections for buildings 11 and 12; to reduce the minimum west yard setback from 6.0 metres to 4.1 metres for building 6; to reduce the minimum west yard setback from 6.0 metres to 3.0 metres to the principal building face and 2.5 metres to the upper storey projections for building 12; to reduce the minimum west yard setback from 6.0 metres to 5.0 metres to the principal building face and 4.4 metres to the upper storey projections for building 13; to increase the number of risers permitted within the setback area from 3 to 5 for Units 1-9 and 51-56; to permit visitor parking stalls 8 and 9 to be located within the west yard setback; to increase the maximum percentage of back-to-back townhouse units from 20% to 30%; and to reduce the outdoor amenity space requirement for back-to-back ground-oriented dwelling units from 6.0 square metres to 3.0 square metres per dwelling unit.