Ukrainian Soul Food
Perogies, cabbage rolls and borsch will be available on Friday, March 27 at a fundraiser from 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre, 13512 108 Ave., Surrey. Eat-in, take away, or ready for your freezer. For information, call 604-531-1923 or 604-581-0313.
Are you gay, bisexual or just not sure?
HOMINUM Fraser Valley is an informal discussion and support group to help gay, bi-sexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single. Our next meeting is 7:30 p.m. Friday, March 27. For information and meeting location, call Art 604-462-9813 or Don 604-329-9760
Why does a chameleon change its colour? W hat kind of animal can lick its own eyeballs?
Kids aged six to 12 will learn the fascinating answers to these questions and more at the next session of Nature Club at Urban Safari Rescue Society. The club starts Sunday, March 22 and runs Sundays for seven weeks, offering two hours of exploration of the animal world. There are two sessions: younger kids in the morning and older kids in the afternoon. For more information, call 604-531-1100, email, or visit
OWL Open House
Saturday, April 25, and Sunday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Orphaned Wildlife Rescue (OLW), 3800-72 Street, Delta, B.C. Seventy per cent of the facility will be open to the public offering a behind-the-scenes look at our medical facility and rehabilitation cages. Gift area and interpretation centre will also be open, along with the release of a rehabilitated bird both days. For animal lovers of all ages. More:
A Man, A Plan, Japan!
Join photographer and adventurer William Jans for the premiere of his eighth multimedia show about absurd travels in China and Japan. Flashy festivals, insane runs, an abandoned amusement park, going through Buddha's nostril, fake food, Bond Island, Rockabilly, radiation, sumo wrestling and more! Thursday, April 23 at The Clova, 5732 176 Street. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., show 8 p.m. For tickets ($21 online/$23 at the door) and info, visit
Entertainers needed
If your dance or musical organization would like to showcase its talents at the upcoming Cloverdale Market Day on Saturday, May 30, please call Judi at 604-579-0123.
Spring Break Camp
Join in the fun and adventures at the Urban Safari Spring Break Camp, five afternoons of learning about animals, games and crafts. From 1-4 p.m. For ages 6 to 12 years. Be curious. There is so much to learn! Urban Safari is located at 1395 176 Street, Surrey. Call 604-531-1100, email, or visit
Awards for Autism
Pacific ABA Academy is hosting the 3rd annual Awards for Autism. If you know a child between the ages of 2-18 who has a diagnosis of autism and has exceptional talent that deserves recognition, please nominate them in one of the following categories: sports, academics, fine arts, community service/social responsibility, technology, and open. Awards presented at a fundraising dinner April 17 at Crown Palace Banquet Hall in Surrey. Award recipients will receive a ticket for the event, along with two complimentary tickets. Deadline for nominations is April 1. Email nomination letters to: or mail to Pacific ABA Academy, #330 12886 96 Ave., Surrey, B.C. V3V 6A8.
Bard in the Valley is holding auditions March 29 (12:30-4 p.m.) and March 30 (7:30-9:30 p.m.) to cast the 2015 production, Shakespeare's Love's Labour's Lost, directed by Mandy Dyck. At Douglas Park Recreation Centre, 20550 Douglas Cresc., Langley City. Rehearsals begin Sunday, April 12 and are every Sunday afternoon and Monday evening until the first performance on July 1. This is a non-equity production. For more information, contact producer Diane Gendron at Rehearsal dates will be Sunday afternoons and Monday evenings and, if required, one additional weekday rehearsal. Performance dates: July 1, 2, 3, 10-12, 17 and 18, July 23-26, 30-31, and Aug. 1-2.
Pyjama Storytime
Come in pyjamas with your favourite cuddly for stories, songs, puppets and action rhymes. This is a perfect bedtime activity for the whole family. Drop in, Tuesdays, from 6:30-7 p.m. at the Cloverdale Library. Call 604-598-7320 for more information, or visit
White Rock Community Orchestra
If you love making music, come join us on Saturday mornings. We are welcoming new members. Give Don a call 603-807-0460
The Versatiles
As seniors, entertaining our community and giving back is part of what we do. We need some new blood in the group and Cloverdale is our base of operations. Give us a call at 604-613-3116 or drop in to the Cloverdale Legion any Monday at 12 noon and ask for Susie. Having fun is our priority, come see us and find out what we are all about. Our oldest member is 90 and trying for 100.
Speed Watch volunteers needed
Surrey crime Prevention Society is looking for volunteers to support the Speed Watch Program. Volunteers work with a team, tracking vehicles driving at excessive speeds in playgrounds, school zones and high-risk crash sites, and gain valuable experience. Applicants must commit to four, three-hour shifts per month. Contact
Surrey Crime Prevention Society
Are you looking to enhance your resume or gain credible volunteer experience? Surrey Crime Prevention Society is looking for self-motivated individuals to help with projects at our head office. Data entry, research, marketing, fundraising initiatives, enhancing membership, and assisting with administrative tasks. Interested volunteers may contact
Food problem?
Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you're not hungry? Do you go on eating binges? Is your weight affecting your life? Overeaters Anonymous offers help. No fees, no dues, no weigh-ins, no diets. We are a fellowship. We meet every Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Cloverdale United Church basement, 17575-58A Ave., Cloverdale. Everyone welcome.
TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly – meets at 7 p.m. every Wednesday at the Cloverdale Library, 5642, 176A Street, Surrey, in the upstairs meeting room. For more information, phone LInda at 604-462-9326.
Silvertone Singers
If you enjoy singing and would like to join a 55+, fun, no pressure group, come on out to the Cloverdale Rec. Centre on Thursdays at 1 p.m. The Silvertone Singers are looking for new members – especially male voices and sopranos. All shower singers welcome! Call 604-598-7960 for more information.
Are you Gay, Bi-sexual or just not sure? HOMINUM Fraser Valley is an informal discussion and support group to help gay, bi-sexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single. We meet on the last Friday of every month. For information and meeting location, call Art 604-462-9813 or Don 604-329-9760
Food problem?
Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you're not hungry? Do you go on eating binges? Is your weight affecting your life? Overeaters Anonymous offers help. No fees, no dues, no weigh-ins, no diets. We are a fellowship. We meet every Thursday from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the Cloverdale United Church basement, 17575-58A Ave., Cloverdale. Everyone welcome.
Cloverdale Horseshoe Club
Cloverdale Horseshoe Club Pitching Season is April 1 to Sept. 31 with practice nights at 7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at 17886 64 Ave., Cloverdale. Pitching shoes is a healthy activity for all ages. And great family fun, for more information check out our web page at also call Jim at 604 585.6831 or Cheryl at 604.593.8193.
Crafter's Corner meets at the Cloverdale Legion, 17567 57 Avenue, every second Wednesday of the month, at 6 p.m. Bring your own knitting or crocheting and join us. For more information, call
Cloverdale Lions Club
The Cloverdale Lions Club is looking for new members. Meetings are the second Thursday of the month. Please volunteer your time to assist us in serving our community. Call 604-574-4680 or 604-574-7417 for more information.
Cloverdale Senior’s Stamp Club
The Cloverdale Senior’s Stamp Club meets on the second and fourth Mondays of the month at 1 p.m., at the Cloverdale Recreation Centre, 6188 176 Street. Beginner and advanced collectors welcome. For more information, contact John Jackman at 604-574-3182.
Singers wanted
Interested in gardening?
Why not join the South Surrey Garden Club? Visitors welcome; $3 drop in fee credited to annual membership of $20. The club meets at 7:30 p.m. every fourth Wednesday of the month at St. Marks Anglican Church at 12953 20 Ave. Guest speakers, field trips, workshops. For more information contact Gillian Davis
The Wonderful Widows and Widowers Club meets twice a month for fun activities. Call 604-574-7103.
Old Time Dances
Sunnyside Hall, corner of 18 Avenue and 154 Street in South Surrey. Live music. All seniors welcome; at 1 p.m. every Monday, from Labour Day to the end of June. For more information phone 604-542-8449 or 604-575-8236.
Open Mic Music Night
Every Wednesday from 7-9 p.m. at Coventry Wired Monk, 184 Street and 64 Avenue. Singers and musicians welcome. You will have to supply your own instruments. For more information, email, or call 604-575-1043, or 604-671-6521.
B.C. Vintage Truck Museum – Help wanted!
The Surrey Heritage Society is looking for volunteers to help out with the new BC Vintage Truck Museum (6022 176 Street) located on the Cloverdale Fairgrounds. The museum is open to the general public on Saturdays from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. every week through the year. We will teach you about the history of trucking in B.C. and about the trucks on display in the collection. For more information contact Jim LaBelle at 604-372-4093 or email: or visit our website at
Oneness GoGos
The Oneness Gogos of White Rock/South Surrey group is working under the auspices of the Stephen Lewis Foundation to support African grandmothers raising children orphaned by HIV/AIDS. We meet on the fourth Monday of the month 1-3 p.m. upstairs at White Rock Library, 15342 Buena Vista Ave. Newcomers welcome. For more info, email
Welcome all keen gardeners!
The Cloverdale Garden Club meets the second Thursday of the month, September to June, at Clayton Community Hall, 18513 70 Avenue. Meetings run from 7 to 9 p.m. In addition to monthly speakers, we have a monthly raffle, yearly bus trip and a plant sale in May. Drop in fee $3. Yearly memberships $20 per person or $30 per family. So if you love to garden, come and join us, and meet other great gardeners. For more information phone Lynne at 604-576-6338.
Are you Gay, Bi-sexual or just not sure?
HOMINUM Fraser Valley is an informal discussion and support group to help gay, bi-sexual and questioning men with the challenges of being married, separated or single. We meet on the last Friday of every month. For information and meeting location, call Art 604-462-9813 or Don 604-329-9760
Surrey Square Wheelers
Come square dancing every Tuesday and Wednesday with the Surrey Square Wheelers, from 7-10 p.m. at Brookswood Senior Centre, 19899 36 Avenue, Langley. Tuesdays: Plus level 'teach' and 'review'. Cost is $6. Wednesdays: Beginner level 'teach', alternating with mainstream level dancing. Cost is $5. Contact Jerry at 604-838-8821 for more information, or visit
Cloverdale Toastmasters
Toastmasters international is a non-profit organization that helps people develop public speaking, organizational and communication skills, and leadership training. Overcome your fears of public speaking. Learn how to communicate effectively. We are a fun and encouraging group that can help. Meetings are 7:15-9:15 p.m. every Wednesday at Clayton Heights Secondary, 188 St. and 70 Ave. For more info, visit
Old Time Dance
Sunnyside Hall, corner of 18th Ave at 154 Street in South Surrey. Live music. All seniors welcome. At 1 p.m. every Monday from Labour Day to the end of June. For more information, call 604-538-5657 or 604-575-8236.
The Surrey Historical Society meets at 10 a.m. at the Surrey Archives on the second Saturday of most months. You are welcome to hear our speakers and share your knowledge. Membership is $10/year. For details, call John at 778-294-1515.
South Surrey Soul Sisters
The newly formed South Surrey Soul Sisters meet the third Thursday of the month. We are working, under the auspices of the Stephen Lewis Foundation to support the African grandmothers who are raising an estimated 14 million orphaned children. Please come and join us – all welcome – you do not have to be a grandmother. Info:
Parkinson's Caregiver Group in Langley
Parkinson Society British Columbia is pleased to announce the opening of a special peer support group for Parkinson’s caregivers. We meet on the first Wednesday of the month (starting May 2), from 1:30-3 p.m. At Douglas Recreation Centre, 20550 Douglas Cresc. Langley. Please join us for an exchange of information and resources, support, tips for self-care, and more. Come and share your story. A small donation ($2 or $3) is required to cover room rental costs. For more information call 1-800-668-3330, 604-662-3240 or email
Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners Guild
We meet Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., 17710 56A Ave., Surrey. Phone (604) 592-6950. Free tea and coffee. Teach, mentor and promote Fibre Arts knowledge. Visitors welcome.
Cloverdale Carvers Club
The Cloverdale Carvers Club is a small group of male and female woodcarvers from all walks of life. From beginners to advanced. The club meets from September to June Tuesday evenings at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary School, 6151 180 Street from 6:45 to 8:45 p.m. The woodwork shop is in the back of the school. Call Jim at 604-575-7969 for more information.
Enjoy Gardening?
The Cloverdale Garden Club meets on the second Thursday of each month from Sept. to June at Clayton Community Hall, 18513 70 Avenue from 7-9 p.m. Monthly guest speakers, field trips, raffle, etc. For more information, email
Surrey Little Theatre
The Surrey Little Theatre invites you to get involved in the fun, whether as a volunteer or patron, there's something for everyone at "the little theatre that could." Email for more information.
Parkinson's Self Help support group
In Surrey, White Rock and Langley for people with Parkinson's, their family and friends. The groups provide an atmosphere of mutual trust for sharing tips and strategies for living a full life with Parkinson's. Volunteers needed. Contact Robbin at the Parkinson Society of B.C., rjeffereys@parkinson.bc.cca or 604-668-3330.
TOPS Take off Pounds Sensibly — A non-profit weight loss support group. For information about TOPS in the Langley/Cloverdale area phone Lynda at 604-856-8014.
Stamp Club Seniors interested in stamp collecting are invited to join the Cloverdale Seniors’ Stamp Club. Meet second and fourth Monday of month at 1 p.m. Info. John at 604-574-3182.
La Leche League, a breastfeeding support group, meets monthly in the Langley Cloverdale area. For meeting or breastfeeding information call call Marie 778-574-7669 or Heidi 604-574-5812. Visit
Surrey Newcomers and Friends
Meet for coffee and a chat, dinner out, cards, crafts, luncheons and other social activities. The club welcomes women of all ages and cultures. Come out and meet new people and make friends. For more details call Barb at 604-951-4948, e-mail to or visit
Square Dance lessons
Beginners welcome through October. Wednesdays at 7 p.m., in Brookswood Seniors Centre, 19899 36 Avenue, Langley. Modern music, casual dress. First three lessons are free. Call 604-2199359 or