ROBAR Industries made a $10,000 donation on Monday to the Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation in response to its appeal for help in the final stages of its 100 Days to Give fundraising campaign.
The Foundation is aiming to raise the last $1 million needed to reach its goal as it is enters the final days of the campaign to bring new doctors to the region.
The Foundation has collected close to $4 million so far during its 100 Days to Give campaign, which was launched Feb. 21 in an effort to match the $5 million donated by entrepreneur Jim Pattison.
The Foundation is attempting to complete its $5-million goal in time for the June 1 opening of Fraser Health’s newest facility – the Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre, named in recognition of Pattison’s contribution.
The combined $10 million from Pattison and the Foundation would help purchase innovative equipment at both the new facility and Surrey Memorial Hospital, in an effort to attract new doctors to the region.
“We hope someone will step up and be a hero,” says Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation President and CEO Jane Adams. “If you’ve considered giving to the hospital, you can help bring this campaign to a successful conclusion by donating now.”
In addition to ROBAR's gift, the latest donations to the campaign include a $150,000 gift from businessperson and Foundation board member Ralph Berezan. The Mr. and Mrs. P.A. Woodward’s Foundation has contributed $71,000 in support of some advanced surgical equipment. Cloverdale Paint and the Vogel Family Trust have combined on a $30,000 donation to the 100 Days to Give campaign.
Other major gifts so far have come from Coast Capital Savings, Foxridge Homes, Surrey Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, Surrey Fire Fighters Charitable Society, North Surrey Lions, Silvano & Elga Patrignani and Family, Diamond Delivery, McQuarrie Hunter LLP, Laurmel/Mainland Sand & Gravel Ltd., Heritage Office Furnishings Ltd., Jim and Sally Wassall, hospital physicians, and a pledge from a private foundation.
Fraser Health’s new Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre will be unique in offering day surgery, diagnostic procedures (such as lab, X-ray, CT and MRI scans, biopsies) and specialized health programs all within one building.
Established in 1992, Surrey Memorial Hospital Foundation has raised more than $55 million to purchase medical equipment, fund innovative programs, and support training and research.