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Letter: Spray agent raises questions

To the editor; Foray 48B insecticide claims to destroy only the gypsy moth caterpillar larvae.

To the editor;

Re: “Residents question spray safety,” April 27

Foray 48B insecticide claims to destroy only the gypsy moth caterpillar larvae.

That is false as it kills butterfly caterpillar larvae as well through the vast insecticide coverage by aerial spraying. Moth and butterfly are both of the lepidoptrera family and usually organic farmers try to isolate spraying so as to not contaminate everything to avoid killing off butterflies.

The monarchs have declined so much over the years they are on an endangered species list. Herbicides kill vital plant life for butterflies too. Losing important pollinating insects shall come at a much greater cost later to all, for much of the existing plants on this planet would decline.

Since only the male gypsy moth emerges from cocoons first, added pheromone traps would help to prevent mating with the delayed emergence of females several days later and nature would have taken care of the rest.

Would of been great if extensive trapping was set up for all residential, public and commercial properties instead. If too expensive, smaller versions of the trap could have been made. There has to be better choices than aerial spraying that goes beyond just killing the pest.

Any pesticide with a warning label means lab animals had negative reactions. Since the Boray 48B’s lab cultured bacteria named Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is only 2.1 per cent of the mixed ingredients and 97.9 per cent undisclosed stated on product label shakes the confidence of many.

It warns to keep away from children, protective gear for handlers and for aerial or ground spraying.

When agricultural farms use it, workers are restricted to re-enter the sprayed area for 12 hours. Check

It’s good Fraser Health is watching for an increase in public health problems in spray and drift zones, but spray irritants can often mimic seasonal ailments due to this time of year.

It may be difficult to differentiate from seasonal ailments that are prominent at this time unless everyone coming in with sinus, eye infection, rash, asthma, sore throat, or gastrointestinal flu etc.... are all tested or it will be inconclusive.

Knowing the cutbacks to our healthcare system many doctors often prescribe treatment for such symptoms without ever testing for cause. Some may only have mild symptoms of eye, nose, throat irritation that salt water gargle, flushing eyes, nostrils help.

Only the emergency cases stand out. Not all natural substances are 100 per cent risk or toxic free and as some can have accumulative affects over time as hindsight has taught us throughout the decades.

B. Polak
