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Letter: Do you think it’s noisy? You ain’t seen nothing yet

People in Cloverdale have been trying for years regarding train traffic and train horns tooting all through the night.

To the editor;

Re: “Is it too noisy in Cloverdale?” Feb. 27

Dear Shelley Haden,you haven’t seen nothing yet! People in Cloverdale have been trying for years regarding train traffic and train horns tooting all through the night. Wait till they expand the Delta Port to multiple switch tracks, doubling the amount of train traffic.

But hold on, there’s more, now come the blueberry cannons. There have been protests every year, but it still continues. Then, after the blueberries are done, come the duck hunters, blasting away at all the ducks in the field, so with all the train noise, airplanes overhead dumping fuel before they land, blueberry cannons, shot gun blasts, and the dust from the racetrack, it kinda hits home in such a small community we call Cloverdale, where our voice doesn’t really matter.

Hope I have answered all  your questions… p.s. I forgot to add the “Jake Brake” noise on Highway 10, all day every day, 24/7, from the truck traffic.

Oh! By the way, I live in a bomb shelter.


Mark Lincoln
