In accordance with Section 464 of the Local Government Act, no public hearing is permitted for applications that are consistent with the Official Community Plan and are primarily residential.
Your comments on this application must be received in writing by 12:00 noon on Council day, for Council’s consideration. There are no speaking opportunities.
Webform:, Email:, Mail: 13450 - 104 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3T 1V8 or Fax: 501-7578. City Hall is open Monday to Friday 8:30am - 4:30 pm except statutory holidays.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed rezoning bylaw “Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 242 (CD 242), Bylaw, 2024, No. 21324” will be read for the first time by the City of Surrey Council at the Council Meeting on September 9, 2024, for the purposes of potential adoption.
Planning Report - Application No. 7922-0195-00
Location: 17378 - 60 Avenue
Purpose of Bylaw: The applicant is requesting to rezone the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Urban Residential Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to develop an 8-unit townhouse development, including the relocation, adaptive re-use, and maintenance of the Currie-Johnson House as an additional residential unit.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed rezoning bylaws “Surrey Zoning By-law, 1993, No. 12000, Amendment Bylaw, 2024, No. 21346” and “Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 241 (CD 241), Bylaw, 2024, No. 21347” will be read for the first time by the City of Surrey Council at the Council Meeting on September 9, 2024, for the purposes of potential adoption.

Planning Report - Application No. 7922-0262-00
Location: 18477 - 76 Avenue (18497 - 76 Avenue), 18563 - 76 Avenue
(18573 - 76 Avenue), 18535 and 18619 - 76 Avenue
Purpose of Bylaws and Development Variance Permit: The applicant is requesting to rezone a portion of the subject site shown shaded in solid grey and labelled as Block A on the location map from General Agriculture Zone to Small Lot Residential Zone, to rezone a portion of the subject site shown hatched and labelled as Block C on the location map from General Agriculture Zone to Compact Residential Zone, and to rezone a portion of the subject site shown cross-hatched and labelled as Block B and Block D on the location map from General Agriculture Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to develop 100 small residential lots, 20 compact residential lots, one lot containing 251 townhouse units, parks, and open space. The exact location and area definition of the lands being amended can be found in the Survey Plan contained within the bylaws.
In addition, the proposal includes a Development Variance Permit to vary the definition of “Bond” in the Surrey Subdivision and Development By-law, 1986, No. 8830, as amended, to include the use of a Surety Bond for Servicing Agreement 7822-0262-00.
Notice is hereby given that the proposed rezoning bylaws “Surrey Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2013, No. 18020, Amendment Bylaw, 2024, No. 21350” and “Surrey Comprehensive Development Zone 238 (CD 238), Bylaw, 2024, No. 21351” will be read for the first time by the City of Surrey Council at the Council Meeting on September 9, 2024, for the purposes of potential adoption.

Planning Report - Application No. 7923-0255-00
Location: 18036, 18074, 18088 - 72 Avenue; 18003 Fraser Highway
Purpose of Bylaws: The applicant is requesting to amend the Official Community Plan Figure 3: General Land Use Designations for the site shown shaded in grey on the location map from Urban to Multiple Residential. The proposal also includes rezoning the same site from Acreage Residential Zone to Comprehensive Development Zone in order to develop seven 6-storey apartment buildings with a total of 713 units on a consolidated site in Clayton.