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Stage 4 Stomach Cancer: Available Treatment Methods

Treatment at the fourth stage of gastric cancer aims to prolong the patient’s life and improve its quality, stabilizing and supporting the health condition. Doctors use novel methods that selectively suppress growth of tumor and metastases, while sparing healthy tissues. The therapeutic regimen is elaborated by a multidisciplinary tumor board, so that each peculiarity of a person’s condition is considered carefully.

Treatment at the fourth stage of gastric cancer aims to prolong the patient’s life and improve its quality, stabilizing and supporting the health condition. Doctors use novel methods that selectively suppress growth of tumor and metastases, while sparing healthy tissues. The therapeutic regimen is elaborated by a multidisciplinary tumor board, so that each peculiarity of a person’s condition is considered carefully.

Treatment options for stomach cancer stage 4

At the advanced stage of cancer treatment focuses on:

  • Reducing the overall toxicity
  • Mitigating the adverse effects of medications
  • Combating the growth of the neoplasm and metastases
  • Preventing the development of new lesions
  • Monitoring the tumor progression
  • Managing symptoms

Surgery for patients with stage 4 stomach cancer is mainly a palliative measure. In particular, surgery is performed to restore the patency of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases, a part of the stomach wall or the entire stomach is removed. This does not guarantee getting rid of the diagnosis, but helps improve the patient’s condition.

Chemotherapy reduces the size of the neoplasm and inhibits the active spread of the disease. However, chemotherapy has certain side effects, so it is administered only if the patient’s condition allows it. Targeted therapy and immunotherapy can also be indicated to eligible patients.

More information about the treatment options for stomach cancer treatment at stage 4 is available at the Booking Health blog.

Alternative treatment for stage 4 stomach cancer

HIPEC, i.e. hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy, is a combination of chemotherapy, surgery and hyperthermic influence. HIPEC allows locally targeting tumor and metastases, getting rid of ascites, and destroying the undetectable atypical cells.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia; its average duration is up to 2 hours. HIPEC can be either open or laparoscopic. During the laparoscopic procedure a surgeon makes 2-3 punctures in the abdomen to insert a camera and one or two endoscopes, with which it’s possible to:

  • Remove the ascitic fluid
  • Remove all visible tumor foci
  • Wash the abdominal cavity with heated solution of the chemo drug

Today, it is probably one of the few treatments for gastric cancer that effectively fights ascites, carcinomatosis, and metastases in the abdominal cavity.

Palliative therapy

Palliative measures focus on improvement of the condition caused by cancer, reduction of pain, psychological help and support.

It is combined with drug therapy and immune support to slow down the disease progression. Actually, symptomatic treatment is the option of primary importance, since it is impossible to get rid of the disease.

Management of the exhausting symptoms improves psychological state and general well-being. The better the patient feels, the more successful the treatment process is. That is why stabilization of the patient’s condition and elimination of the disease consequences are the priority at the fourth stage of cancer.

Why undergo stage 4 cancer treatment abroad?

In Europe, oncological healthcare facilities offer only high-tech or advanced care, as the equipment there meets the latest requirements. There’re also no refusals: stage 4 cancer doesn’t mean that you should give up and not treat it.

European hospitals have multidisciplinary teams of doctors. They all have the necessary knowledge and skills to work with the latest equipment. Cancer therapy is based on traditional and alternative methods there. So, there’s no point in refusing the option of stomach cancer treatment at stage 4 abroad, as such patients need the best medical care.

Another worrying aspect is a lockdown. If you organize treatment yourself, you may face particular obstacles (like the ones people face while applying for a visa) and waste time.

With Booking Health, you don’t need to wait for a hospital to accept your request for treatment, etc. The company understands that treatment has to be organized quickly and professionally, and that’s precisely what Booking Health does.

You can start your treatment right now by leaving a request on the Booking Health website.