A Hands Across the Border event is returning to Peace Arch Provincial Park this summer to show solidarity and commitment towards peace and understanding between U.S. and Canadian residents.
Hands Across the Border is a popular event returning to the Peninsula this August, organized by Rotary District 5050.
"This event holds significant importance to the Surrey region. It provides a unique opportunity to highlight the close ties and collaborative efforts between these neighbouring regions, showcasing their mutual dedication to fostering international goodwill," reads an advisory advertising the event.
Rotary's event will feature members from both sides of the border joining hands under the Peace Arch at the South Surrey provincial park beginning at 4 p.m.
The event is to show peace among individuals, regardless of separating borders, the press release states.
Following the solidarity showing, the Rotarians, Rotaractors and friends and family will move towards the Peace Arch Park Clubhouse at 5 p.m. for a social gathering including food and music.
A cost of $25 is required to attend the Friday, Aug. 23 event.