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He sees dead people

He sees dead people

For medium and paranormal investigator Rick Pedersen, it's like every day is Halloween.
Halloween costume parade a family favourite

Halloween costume parade a family favourite

Cloverdale hosts the Halloween Costume Parade this Saturday afternoon.
Students launch Halloween food drive

Students launch Halloween food drive

Clayton Heights students will be going door-to-door on Halloween, collecting donations for the Surrey Food Bank.
Retro Halloween, Surrey-style

Retro Halloween, Surrey-style

The Surrey Archives – one of our favourite resources – recently sent in a couple of Halloween images from its remarkable photo collection.
Your teen and the social network

Your teen and the social network

The public is invited to a presentation at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary on the pluses and perils of social networking.
New faces head hamper program

New faces head hamper program

Trish and Kevin Lunder step forward on behalf of the Cloverdale Christmas Hamper Program.
Hats - and hair - off for Gage

Hats - and hair - off for Gage

Clayton Elementary hatches a 'hair-razing' plan to help out Gage, a Grade 1 student.
Workers for playtime

Workers for playtime

Parent volunteers install the new playground at Adams Road Elementary.

Remembering service planned

A service is planned for Saturday afternoon for parents who have lost a baby.
Won't you be a good neighbour?

Won't you be a good neighbour?

Surrey's Block Watch program celebrates 25 years in operation this Saturday.