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Trees up for adoption

A club at Lord Tweedsmuir Secondary is going tree planting this fall – and you can help.

The school's Climate Challenge Team has launched a tree planting project.

It's one of the club' initiatives aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of students.

The goal is to plant more than 100 trees around the school and in the Cloverdale community.

Planting trees will reduce the school's carbon footprint by producing oxygen and storing carbon. They help provide cleaner air, benefiting the school – and the community as a whole.

Families can participate by buying – or adopting – their own tree from room B304 by November 16.

Adoptive families will receive adoption papers along with the trees they're taking home, which include purple lilac, white pom pom trees, cherry and alder.

Students have been caring for the seedlings and saplings at the school's greenhouse. A local supplier offered 100 seedlings. The rest have come from teachers and students at the school.