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PHOTOS: Transformations for 6 at ‘So You Think You Can Drag’ event in Surrey

Surrey Pride Society hosted the gala to raise funds for charity and Pride Festival 2023
Surrey Board of Trade president and CEO Anita Huberman participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a queen, her drag alter ego. (Photo: Anna Burns)

To kick off Pride month, Surrey Pride hosted “So You Think You Can Drag,” an event where six community leaders dressed in drag to raise money for the charity of their choice and Surrey Pride.

On Saturday (May 27) at XBa dance studio in South Surrey, the participants arrived at the venue a few hours before the gala started to begin their transformation. They included Anita Huberman, Makayla Leonard, Maddy, Sayan Baidya, Lyn Verra-Lay and Annie Ohana, who all danced to a song.

People in the audience selected the winner as Baidya, who chose Surrey Pride Seniors Programming as his charity. Surrey Pride will match Baidya’s donations up to $5,000. Any remaining net profits will go toward the 2023 Surrey Pride Festival, planned June 24 at Surrey Civic Plaza.

Sayan Baidya participated in Surrey Pride’s event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. Baidya was selected winner. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Sayan Baidya participated in Surrey Pride’s event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. Baidya was selected winner. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Annie Ohana participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a non-binary drag queen who goes by the name Delicious Judicious. Ohana is a teacher at LA Matheson Secondary school in Surrey. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Annie Ohana participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a non-binary drag queen who goes by the name Delicious Judicious. Ohana is a teacher at LA Matheson Secondary school in Surrey. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Surrey Board of Trade president and CEO Anita Huberman participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a queen, her drag alter ego. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Surrey Board of Trade president and CEO Anita Huberman participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a queen, her drag alter ego. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Maddy participated in Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event as a bio queen who goes by the name Miss Sassy-Pants. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Maddy participated in Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event as a bio queen who goes by the name Miss Sassy-Pants. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Makayla Leonard participated in Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event as a bio queen who goes by the name Aria Treble. Leonard is a part of Pivot Theatre, a community-based theatre group. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Makayla Leonard participated in Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event as a bio queen who goes by the name Aria Treble. Leonard is a part of Pivot Theatre, a community-based theatre group. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Lyn Verra-Lay participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a drag king, Floss Finkelstien. Verra-Lay is the creator and facilitator at Belinda’s Connection Cafe. The cafe has free workshops and sessions for people 55+. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Lyn Verra-Lay participated in Surrey Pride’s event as a drag king, Floss Finkelstien. Verra-Lay is the creator and facilitator at Belinda’s Connection Cafe. The cafe has free workshops and sessions for people 55+. (Photo: Anna Burns)

The gala included a live auction and a drag show with Myria Le Noir, Carlotta Gurl and Jolene Queen Sloan, as well as live entertainment by local musician Richard Tichelman.

Richard Tichelman performed at Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Richard Tichelman performed at Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Drag queen Myria Le Noir performed at Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Drag queen Myria Le Noir performed at Surrey Pride’s Straight to Drag event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)

Jolene Queen Sloan performed at Surrey Pride’s event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)
Jolene Queen Sloan performed at Surrey Pride’s event in Surrey on Saturday, May 27, 2023. (Photo: Anna Burns)

During the night, Surrey Pride president Martin Rooney announced that the Pride flag will be raised at Surrey City Hall on June 19.

Read more: For first time, Pride flag to fly at Surrey City Hall during month of June

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Anna Burns

About the Author: Anna Burns

I cover breaking news, health care, non-profits and social issues-related topics for the Surrey Now-Leader.
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