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Vij's opens Surrey production plant

Vij's opens Surrey production plant

Super savers

Not so impressive, Surrey, but way to go, all of B.C. Combined, B.C. residents saved 117 megawatt hours of electricity during Earth Hour, nearly twice the number saved last year.
Fitting finale for Cloverdale Antique Mall

Fitting finale for Cloverdale Antique Mall

He was the auctioneer when B.C.’s largest antique mall opened 12 years ago this month and it’s only fitting that he’ll be there at the end. Ken Passmore, the original auctioneer of the Cloverdale Antique Mall and Auction, is returning for this weekend’s close-out auction.
Fraud Awareness Month

Fraud Awareness Month

Surrey Board of Trade releases Fraud Awareness Advocacy positions and Business Fraud Awareness event
Business expo Saturday

Business expo Saturday

First time home buyers invited to free seminar in Surrey

First time home buyers invited to free seminar in Surrey

Experts weigh in on the options and key issues when it comes to buying your first home at a free seminar.
CN fined $75,000 for spill

CN fined $75,000 for spill

Surrey's Thornton Yard was the site of diesel spill in 2009
Soaring jobless rate seen as sign of optimism

Soaring jobless rate seen as sign of optimism

Economist maintains outlook for improving B.C. economy
Winners of Women in Business Awards lauded

Winners of Women in Business Awards lauded

Surrey Board of Trade creates new honour for 2011.
Women of influence to share insights

Women of influence to share insights